When you sit in my living room and look out into the backyard, you get a nice picturesque view. A patio table and chairs with a green lush yard set as the backdrop. It looks beautiful. At least that is what the scene appears to be from a distance. When you walk out into the yard, what you find is that the green lush looking yard is actually low growing weeds that are thriving and refuse to let any kind of weed killer have victory over them. From inside the house, and from a distance, the yard looks beautiful. You can’t tell that the beautiful green is actually weeds. So it is with life. What you see is not always what you get. The Bible tells us in Romans 8:28
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Often times it is difficult to see the good in what appears to be. But what you see is not actually what is happening. What appeared to be: Joseph had been sold to slave owners by his brothers for having a dream and a promise. He was accused of rape and had been thrown in prison to spend the rest of his life. No hope. What was actually happening: God was raising up the second in command of Egypt in him to save not only his family, but an entire nation in an extreme famine. What appeared to be: Moses was hiding on the backside of the desert because he had killed someone. He had run away and was tending sheep. What was actually happening: God was preparing the greatest leader in the history of the world in Moses to lead God’s people out of slavery. What appeared to be: Jonah’s life was over. He had run from God and almost cost the entire crew of a ship their lives. Now, he had been thrown overboard in a storm and had been swallowed by a huge fish. It was over for him. What was actually happening: God was preparing his heart to preach the gospel in the city of Nineveh. A hundred and twenty thousand people, the entire city, was saved. What appeared to be: David had been written off and forgotten about by his own father and brothers. He was nothing more than a shepherd boy living his life out in the middle of a field watching sheep. His life had no meaning. What was actually happening: God was raising up a man after his own heart who would slay the Giant Goliath, who rule Israel as king, and whom God would promise he would always have an heir in the throne. What appeared to be: Saul, an extremely educated man, was killing Christians and doing everything in His power to destroy the church. He despised the disciples of Christ. What was actually happening: God was working his plan to introduce Paul, the greatest missionary ever known, to the world. Through his ministry, the salvation of Jesus was brought to the entire world, not just the Jewish people. What appeared to be: Jesus had come to earth. He was born of a virgin and at the age of thirty began His earthly ministry. After three and a half years he had been arrested, brutally beaten, crucified on a cross, and buried. All was lost. What was actually happening: Jesus was taking the keys to death, hell, and the grave. He was bringing the ultimate victory over death to all and brought forgiveness of sin and eternal life to all who would call on His name by rising from the grave. I’m not sure what may appear to be going on in your life right now, but know this. What appears to be is not what is actually happening. God is working an amazing plan out for your life. It’s a story that will bring life, build faith, and give hope to everyone who hears it. Maybe God is preparing you to be the next Billy Graham, a doctor who will cure cancer, or a great motivational speaker that will bring encouragement to millions. Whatever it is that God has planned for you, don’t lose hope. Don’t quit. Don’t throw in the towel. Your destiny is not contingent on what you see, but by what God says. And God says He is working it all out for your good!