If you are a loving parent then you have most certainly gone through times of heartbreak with your children. Parenting is probably the single most difficult job and responsibility in the world. In the tough times that you encounter with your children remember that there is hope and a place you can turn.
In Mark chapter 5 we read about a church leader by the name of Jairus. His daughter was very sick and on her death bed. Jairus went to Jesus to ask Him to help his daughter. While Jairus was talking with Jesus a woman with a blood issue touched Jesus’ clothes and received her healing. This seemingly caused the attention of Jesus to temporarily shift from Jairus to this woman. While Jesus was talking to this woman, people from his house came to tell Jairus that his daughter had died. They told him, “There is no need to bother Jesus any longer” (v. 35). Jesus, knowing that the message of hopelessness had been given to Jairus spoke to Jairus. “Don’t be afraid; just believe” (v. 36). Jesus went to Jairus’ house. Upon entering the house Jesus went to the little girl and raised her from the dead. A hopeless situation turned into a miracle. Maybe you feel like the situation with your child is hopeless right now. As a parent, the best thing that you can do is exactly what Jairus did. Take the problem with your son or daughter to Jesus. If Jesus responded to Jairus concerning his daughter, He will respond to your cry for your son or daughter.

No matter how hopeless the situation gets, don’t worry. Don’t be afraid; just believe. Jesus can turn your hopeless situation with your children into a miracle just like He did in Mark 5. Whether it’s a need of healing, a financial need, or a cry to save your child, Jesus will respond. Don’t lose heart when it seems God’s attention has drifted from your need to something else. He hears your cry. You have His attention.
“The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry;” (NIV) Psalm 34:15
He’s never lost sight of you or your children, and He never will. Cry out to Jesus right now on behalf of your children and watch Him respond. He loves your children.