In Luke chapter nine we read the miraculous story of how Jesus fed 5000 men plus women and children with two small fish and five loaves of bread. Verse ten tells us that Jesus and His disciples withdrew to a town called Bethsaida. It was here that the miracle took place.
Bethsaida means “house of fish.” Jesus used fish to perform the miracle of feeding the 5000. He used what was already in the house to perform the miracle. What you need for your miracle is already in you. It’s already in your house. I recently read the story of a couple in the time of the California gold rush. They were set on going and striking it rich. They sold their farm and everything they had and went to California mine for gold. After failure after failure, they were broke and eventually moved to Europe. After several years, they moved back to the U.S. and decided to go back and see their old farm. When they arrived, they found the lit old property fenced in and heavily guarded. They could not even get on the property. After asking questions they discovered that their farm had the second largest gold reserve in America. Right now, inside of you, in your house, there is a rich reserve that God has placed there to provide the miracle that you need. You may not be able to see it, but it’s there. You may have to dig for it through prayer, in worship, and in the Word of God, but it’s there.

When my grandmother passed away many years ago, as a Pastor, I was given a set of her pulpit commentaries. As I was flipping through them one day, I discovered these words my grandmother had written in one of the margins. “Dig a little deeper yet.” Those words alone changed my life. When studying for a message, there are times I know there is deeper revelation that I have not yet discovered. It’s in those times the words my grandmother wrote rings loud in my mind. “Dig a little deeper yet.” When I did, I always find what I’m looking for.
Maybe you’re at a point of needing a miracle. I believe what you need is already available to you. Don’t quit. Dig a little deeper yet! It’s already there. Look a little closer. “All things are possible to them that believe.” Mark 9:23