The devil does not like you. As a matter of fact, he hates you. He hates your children. His objective is to ruin your life and your eternity and he does not play fair. He steals from you and your family. He wants to destroy you. He has plans to kill you and those you love the most. He is a liar, a manipulator, a thief. He puts horrible thoughts in your mind and in the minds of others concerning you. He talks bad about you and has no good thoughts concerning you. If he was a neighbor, co-worker, or someone you knew, you would have absolutely nothing to do with him because of the kind of person he would be. Most people would hate him. Yet... we daily invite him to be a part of our lives by what we watch, listen to, and allow into our homes. We've allowed him to take over and govern our nation, our work places, and our schools where our children spend the majority of their day. We allow him to go about his work while we sit quietly by and say nothing. We've allowed him to do what he desires for so long, even Christians no longer know where to draw the line between what is sin and what is not, what is Godly and what is satanic. What use to be sin has become popular, normal, and perfectly fine because of the entitlement generation we live in. The line between righteousness and sin has not only been crossed, but destroyed. We live in a lesser of two evils society. The choice of "the lesser of two evils" angers God. The lesser of two evils has never been God's desire for his children. His ways are always bigger, better, and higher than man's. Open your eyes and see, the devourer is not at our doorstep. He is already in the house. It's time to kick him out. He's robbing you blind and leading you and your kids to an eternity of torture and pain. If I told you I was going to do everything I could to destroy you and your kids and cause you unending pain, you would fight me with everything you have, yet Satan says that exact thing and you allow him to succeed in doing it.

The good news.... Jesus has already defeated him and Jesus is fighting for you. Let Jesus bring you, your children, our schools, our cities, and our nation victory over the enemy. Time to put the enemy on notice that he's done having his way with the children of the most high! I Timothy 6:12 says, “Fight the good fight of faith.” It's time to rise up, fight and defeat the enemy, and live victorious!
“Fight the good fight of faith.” 1 Timothy 6:12