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Just Believe

Writer's picture: Scott CaldwellScott Caldwell

Fridays are my favorite days. That’s because Friday is date day for my wife and I. So last Friday night Christina and I went on a dinner date. Luckily we took our umbrella into the restaurant with us because as we were finishing up, it started pouring. I did not want Christina to get wet so I went out to get the car and pull it up to the front door. With my phone, a to go ice tea, and the umbrella in hand, I headed out the door. Boy was that a huge mistake! The rain was coming from every direction it seemed. There was no position I could put the umbrella in that kept me dry. I was immediately soaked from the knees down. To make matters worse, when I stepped off of the sidewalk leading down the side of the restaurant, I had to wade through about six inches of water. But wait! It gets better. The car was still about thirty yards away. Just as I hit the corner of the restaurant, a disastrous gust of wind hit me hard. With wet and full hands, the wind easily confiscated my umbrella and blew it across the parking lot. In 1.7 seconds I was drenched from head to toe.

My response was two fold. I ran desperately to car screaming all the way! LOL!!! If someone could have caught it all on camera, it would have been the instant winner on America’s Funniest Home Videos. To pour insult into injury, our key fab unlocks every door except, you got it, the drivers side door. So I’m standing at the door, phone in one hand, to go drink in the other, getting drowned by the storm, frantically trying to get the key into the lock, and screaming like a little girl the whole time! Finally, I was safe in the car, out of the storm, but completely soaked three and four times over. What a memory! Sometimes the storms of life hit us out of nowhere and soak us in despair, discouragement, and helplessness. Life has its ways of knocking us down, and the enemy loves to capitalize on our feelings of hopelessness that makes us want to just scream. He wants to make us feel as though we’re down to nothing. Remember, when you feel you’re down to nothing, rest assured that the Lord is up to something. He will always come through for you!

Isaiah 46:4 “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”


What an encouraging promise! He has promised to sustain you and carry you, especially when things look hopeless. In Mark chapter 5 we read the story of Jairus, who came to Jesus in desperation asking Jesus to heal his daughter. His desperate need quickly turned to a hopeless need when people from his house came and told him his daughter had died. Verse 35 says, “”While Jesus was still speaking, some people came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue leader. “Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher anymore?”” Talk about a hopeless situation. In that moment, not only was the wind knocked out of his sails, but Jairus probably lost all hope as his life seemingly completely crumbled in that moment. But in his hopeless situation, watch what Jesus says to Jairus in the very next verse. “Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭5:36‬ ‭NIV‬‬ Jesus then goes to Jairus’ house, and raises his daughter from death to life. The key words in this story are the words that Jesus spoke to Jairus, “Just believe.” I want you to know that your seemingly hopeless situation is simply the staging for God to show His mighty power and perform a miracle for you. All you have to do is JUST BELIEVE! Mark 9:23 Jesus said, “Everything is possible for one who believes.” ‭‭ No matter what your situation is today, don’t just scream, just believe that God can turn the impossible into a miracle for you. The stage is set. The final act, THE MIRACLE! Just believe!


©2017 SCC

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