As you have learned, life can be just down right difficult at times. As Christina and I travel across the country we see the increased attacks from the enemy on people everywhere. He never quits scheming and planning against you and his attacks seem to be constant. It’s enough to wear you out, drive you crazy, and bring discouragement if you’re not staying in the Word.
A few years ago, our family drove to Omaha, NE from New Mexico. It was a long drive. I can remember driving in the middle of the night thinking, I am so tired of being in this car. Will we ever get there? We finally arrived safely but not as quickly as we wanted to.
That’s a lot like the battles we often go through. The longer the battle wages, the more tired and irritated we get. We ask questions and say things like:
"Will we ever get through this?"
"When will this struggle end?"
"I’m so tired of being in this situation!" "Will things ever change?"
In Joshua 6 we read the story of the battle of Jericho. God had given Joshua specific orders. Walk around the city once a day for six days. On the seventh day, walk around the city seven times and then shout with everything you’ve got. Can you imagine what was going through the Israelites minds while they were walking?
I’m tired. When is something going to happen? I don’t want to walk around the city again today. We’ve already walked around the city four days in a row and nothing’s happened! This is stupid! What in the world are we doing?
God do you know what you’re doing?
Joshua, are you sure you heard God right?
I’m sure there were times of discouragement, doubt, fear, worry, and questioning God, especially on that seventh day. I can also hear Joshua responding to every question, every complaint, and every sneering remark.
After the seventh time on the seventh day, exhausted, the people shouted as the trumpets blasted and the walls fell down. They had received the promise that God had given. Finally. It was over. They were victorious. But they would have never seen the fulfillment of the promise if they didn’t keep walking.

So what do you do when you’re in the middle of a gut wrenching and difficult situation that brings many sleepless nights, a river of tears, frustration, and doubt? You KEEP WALKING! Let me say that again. KEEP WALKING!
What gives you the energy, the strength, the umph, the faith to keep walking? Knowing the promise that God has given you in His Word. His promise to protect, direct, provide, surround, heal, lead, never leave, and the promise to prosper you, not to harm you, and to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
It’s easy to get discouraged and question God when you allow your current situation to rob you of sight of what God has promised. You must keep your eyes on the promise. Remember what God said. Remind God of what He has promised. Read to Him His own promises. It will build your faith as you do it. Remember that He is right there with you, even when you don’t see or feel Him. And when you’re tired and exhausted, lift up a shout of praise and find yourself in His presence through true worship. Before you know it, the walls will collapse and you will find yourself enjoying the reality of His promises for you. But until then, KEEP WALKING!