Have you ever struggled with self confidence? Most people have fought the battle of low self confidence or self esteem at some time or another. Maybe you've felt like you're not good enough, or gifted enough. These feelings always come when you compare yourself to others.
Face it. You are you. You can’t be anyone else, and no one else can be you. That’s a good thing. God made you unique. You are special. You are highly valued by God and are essential to His Kingdom. You were made by greatness, in the image of greatness, for greatness. That makes you great. Yes you! YOU ARE GREAT!
Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
With God you are good enough. You are valued. Why? Because he made you? How do you know you are valued by God? Because He paid a great price for you. He didn't wait for a better option. He didn't wait for your sin to go on clearance. He paid full price for you. He invested everything He had in you. And God does not make bad investments.
In Matthew 13 Jesus tells us about the pearl of great price.

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:45-46 NIV
God is the merchant. Jesus was everything God had to give in order to purchase the pearl. And the pearl? That’s you. You are the pearl. He bought you at a great price, with the blood of his son, Jesus.
The next time you struggle with your self confidence, look in the mirror, roll your shoulders back, hold your head high and say, I’m a child of the King. Loved by the most high. Created to do great things in the unique way that God created me to. I’m not just somebody. I’m somebody special. So special that Jesus willingly died for me. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. So wonderful that Jesus paid full price for me. I am highly valued.” And don’t let anyone, including the devil, convince you of anything else.